Literacy & Numeracy Intervention Programs

2017 saw the introduction of Fountas and Pinnell literacy Intervention Program. The program aims to support students from Years 7-10 to further develop their skills in reading, comprehension, and vocabulary. Students involved within the program attend 2-3 sessions a week within a small group, with the aim of ensuring students receive consistent instruction aimed at their ability level.

Each session has a 30 minute reading focus, and a 20 minute activity focus in relation to the text. The program is designed to meet students at their point of need and allow them to achieve more than 12 months growth within each year of the program. The program support students not only in English, but in all subject areas.

Students are assessed prior to entry to the program and ongoing monitoring is undertaken to assess their progress. Assessment is conducted with all students and made readily available to all staff members to ensure that students reading abilities are taken into consideration.

The purpose of the literacy intervention program is to ensure that each child is given the opportunity to gain the required skills needed to complete their chosen educational pathway, whether that be VCE, VCAL, or obtaining employment. 

This intervention program involves pairs of students working with QuickSmart-trained teachers for three sessions per week.

The program reinforces number skills and increases automaticity enabling students to have more confidence in the classroom setting.

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